The new Harry Balfour School is officially open


Peace Wapiti Public School Division (PWPSD) is thrilled to officially open the new Harry Balfour School. Earlier today, students, staff, families and distinguished guests gathered to honour this momentous occasion in the Harry Balfour School journey.Plaque

Board Vice-Chair, Mr. Blaine Riding spoke on behalf of the PWPSD Board of Trustees and expressed his deep appreciation to everyone involved in making the new school possible. “Today’s event is not only a celebration of this new school, but also recognition of all the hard work and dedication that went into this project to ensure the best education for our students.” Mr. Riding adds it has been exciting to see the new facility move from the planning stage to being filled with students.

Those in attendance also heard from MLA Ron Wiebe, MP Chris Warkentin, County of Grande Prairie Reeve Bob Marshall, and PWPSD staff and students. Harry Balfour School Principal Ms. Jen Clevette says the amount of support from her school community has been overwhelming, and she and her staff are happy to finally be in their new school.
